Diesel is an Italian fashion brand founded by Renzo Rosso in 1978. The brand is known for its denim and casual wear, often incorporating edgy and urban designs. Diesel has gained a following among fashion enthusiasts and has been worn by celebrities and influencers. The current creative director of Diesel is Glenn Martens.

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DIESEL S-Stanley Shirt Black
၁၄၅.၁၂ € ၂၀၇.၃၂ €
DIESEL J-Stanley Blazer Jacket
၅၁၉.၅၄ € ၇၄၂.၂၀ €
DIESEL P-Stanley Trousers
၃၁၉.၂၇ € ၄၅၆.၁၀ €
DIESEL T-Isco-Div Tank Top White
၂၉.၀၂ € ၄၁.၄၆ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Div LS T-shirt Black
၅၅.၁၅ € ၇၈.၇၈ €
DIESEL Ogrds Regular Denim Shorts
၈၇.၀၇ € ၁၂၄.၃၉ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Div T-shirt Grey
၄၃.၅၄ € ၆၂.၂၀ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Div T-shirt White
၄၃.၅၄ € ၆၂.၂၀ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Q9 LS T-shirt White
၇၀.၉၀ € ၁၀၁.၂၉ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Q14 T-shirt Black
၆၇.၁၆ € ၉၅.၉၅ €
DIESEL 2023 D-Finitive 0kial Tapered Jeans Black
၈၁.၂၇ € ၁၁၆.၁၀ €
DIESEL K-Oberto Knit Sweater Dark Grey
၁၇၁.၂၄ € ၂၄၄.၆၃ €
DIESEL D-Um-Rib-S2 Track Hoodie
၂၂၉.၂၉ € ၃၂၇.၅၆ €
DIESEL D-Barcy-S3 Denim Jacket
၃၀၄.၇၆ € ၄၃၅.၃၇ €
DIESEL K-Gil Turtleneck Sweater
၁၃၀.၆၁ € ၁၈၆.၅၉ €
DIESEL D-Buzee Track Jacket
၁၅၉.၆၄ € ၂၂၈.၀၅ €
DIESEL S-Boxt-Hood-Div Hoodie
၁၀၁.၅၈ € ၁၄၅.၁၂ €
DIESEL D-Fish Straight Cargo Jeans Light Blue
၂၁၇.၆၈ € ၃၁၀.၉၇ €
DIESEL P-Leo-Dev Trousers
၁၁၃.၂၀ € ၁၆၁.၇၁ €
DIESEL T-Boxt-Dev 9DN T-shirt
၈၇.၀၇ € ၁၂၄.၃၉ €
DIESEL D-Samp-S Denim Vest
၂၂၃.၄၉ € ၃၁၉.၂၇ €
DIESEL P-Zamp-Vet Trousers
၁၄၅.၁၂ € ၂၀၇.၃၂ €
DIESEL T-Boggy-Megoval-D T-shirt White
၆၃.၈၅ € ၉၁.၂၂ €
DIESEL B-1DR Belt Black
၁၁၅.၀၀ €
DIESEL Holi-D Belt Bag M Black
၁၉၀.၀၀ €
DIESEL 1DR Shoulder Bag White
၃၅၃.၁၉ €
DIESEL 1DR-XS-S Mini Bag Green
၂၇၅.၀၀ €
DIESEL 2001 D-Macro 09i73 Straight Jeans
၁၆၆.၆၆ € ၃၃၃.၃၃ €
၂၄၁.၆၆ € ၄၈၃.၃၃ €
၂၀၀.၀၀ € ၃၆၃.၆၃ €
DIESEL J-Mackell Jacket
၁၇၆.၉၂ € ၃၅၃.၈၄ €
DIESEL D-Backler Bootcut Jeans Dark Blue
၁၈၀.၀၀ € ၂၇၆.၉၃ €
DIESEL D-Lab-Fse Jogger Jeans
၃၃၃.၃၄ € ၆၆၆.၆၇ €
DIESEL 1DR XXS Chain Micro Bag Silver
၂၁၀.၀၀ € ၂၈၀.၀၀ €

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