Known for her motif-infused sportswear and hybrid fashion, which combines cultural influences and codes, Marine Serre collections have been met with critical acclaim and garnered a cult following for blurring the lines between ready-to-wear, couture, tailoring and sportswear.

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35 Products - Catalog

MARINE SERRE Sport Nylon Track Jacket Black
၄၆၀.၀၀ € ၅၄၁.၁၈ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Laser Denim Padded Jacket Black
၅၄၁.၁၈ € ၆၃၆.၆၈ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Jacquard Twill Workwear Jacket Beige
၄၄၈.၆၄ € ၅၆၀.၈၀ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Jacquard Twill Workwear Trousers Beige
၃၇၇.၉၈ € ၄၇၂.၄၈ €
MARINE SERRE Sport Nylon Tracks Black
၂၂၁.၁၆ € ၂၉၄.၈၈ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Laser Denim Trucker Jacket Black
၄၂၄.၈၂ € ၄၉၉.၇၉ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Laser Details Denim Straight Jeans Black
၃၃၂.၄၉ € ၃၉၁.၁၇ €
MARINE SERRE Moon Jacquard Twill Trench Coat Beige
၉၅၀.၀၀ € ၁,၁၁၇.၆၅ €
MARINE SERRE Regenerated Household Linen Calendar Shorts
၂၄၅.၄၅ € ၄၉၀.၉၀ €
MARINE SERRE Regenerated Graphic T-shirt Trousers Black
၃၁၈.၁၇ € ၆၃၆.၃၄ €
MARINE SERRE Organic Cotton Crewneck Print T-shirt Blue
၈၀.၇၇ € ၁၆၁.၅၄ €

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